Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pro and Con

As with all controversial issues, the is a pro and a con side to the question: Should Violence On TV be reduced?

On the con side, there is the argument that parents should control what their children watch on tv or listen to on the radio. If a parent believes that his or her child will be affected by the violence, they shouldn't expose the children to it. People on this side also believe that a child's family and social life as well as real life role models have more of an impact on a child than the media. For example, a child that exposed to violent real-life situations is more likely to be violent than a child that watches violent tv shows. They also argue that the topic is simply too complex and any research done isn't reliable.

On the pro side, there is the argument that media violence surrounds children and it is the prominent reason for youth violence. There are many tv shows, such as Power Rangers and Spiderman, that glorify heros who use violence. Children often look up to these characters and desire to be like them. There is also an abundance of violence in movies, most of which is acted out by famous celebrities. In the end, the violent characters are almost never punished for their violent actions. When it comes to sensorship, violence is often passed as with an okay. Children get the wrong image from these movies and tv shows and begin to believe that violence is good. When a child is young, their views are based on what's around them. If they are constantly exposed to violence, they will think violence is a normal part of life. There is also the argument that television has a major impact on it's viewers as displayed by the use of advertisements. If tv didn't play a major roll in the wiewers' lives, advertisements wouldn't be useful.

I agree with the pro side. I feel that children are exposed to television violence too often, and that these shows should at least have a viewer disgretion warning.


Jarrett B said...

Again, I agree with your opinions. You have a good argument there so far and it appears that you have a lot of information to back it up. Also, I know of a film that could probably help you with your research. It is called Advertising and the End of the World directed by Sut Jhally. The film is a documentary, and its director is a professor at Mass. University. If you can't find the film, you can always go online. I believe that there is an 18 page transcript of what he says in the film available online, and excerpts.

Leanne said...

Definatley agree. Everyday I see it- young kids playing with fake guns, 'killing' each's sick. Personally I really think something drastic needs to be done about this. People grow up on what they're taught.