Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Second Argument

My second argument deals with the glamorization of television violence. Almost all TV shows that contain violence are guilty of using glamorization. These shows make violence seem acceptable and desirable. They use attractive characters that viewers begin to admire, and have these characters use violence that doesn't end in a consequence. Accoriding to the National Television Study, nearly 1/2 of violent interactions shown on tv have no pain or harm associated with violence. Also, 1/3 of the violence was presented in an "unrealistic fashion". This glamorized violence shown on tv legitimizes violence, making it seem acceptable and something to envy. Viewers begin to think that violence is not a big deal and become comfortable with it. It has been said that the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School was due to the glamorization of guns and violence; making the effect television has on teens more evident than ever.

Television glamorizes violence, making it seem acceptable. It is necessary to down violence in order to reteach viewers right from wrong.

1 comment:

Jarrett B said...

I agree with your statements. You really know your stuff. It's good that you used statistics to prove your point. It looks like your research paper is developing quite well. Good work!