Thursday, March 13, 2008


Does violence in the media have an effect on children?
For my research paper, i decided to write about violence in the media. There has been much controversy over whether or not the violence portrayed in movies, television, and video games have an affect on children. On one side, there is the belief that the glorified violence in the media leads children to become violent and angry. On the other side, there is the belief that violence in the media has little or no effect on children compared to real life situations; such as the child's family and social life.
I selected this issue because violence is more and more commonly seen everyday, and consequently, has become something that is relatively accepted. I feel that the violence that is glorified in the media is often seen as entertainment, as opposed to something that's wrong and should come with punishment. It is very possible that children see violent characters in movies and think that they want to be like that. Violence in the media should be less glorified and more toned down.


Jarrett B said...

Yes, I agree with your position. There is too much violence in the media and there should be less. The media is a powerful tool of communication through which ideas can be spread. It is in this area that violence should be the most censored.

Leanne said...

Interesting topic. Personally, I think people who say it doesn't effect children are naive.